Tuesday, April 9, 2019

New poetry book

Monday, April 8, 2019


This phantom life haunts methe beauty of what could have beenthe serenity in life when what was promised came to be.
To hear the pitter patter,
The giggles echoing,
The scampering as he hides from his tormentors,
his human brother and sisters,
When finally they all collapse in a heap of mangled messes.
Soft snores and purrs intertwined,
smiles on their faces.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Death Calls

When death calls, 
how can I not want to die? 
When all that was good in my life is on the other side.
When children’s laughter and kisses, their sweet still young cuddle are waiting,
when my mothers smile and loving hands that soothe the tempest inside is there.
When my son, my cat is waiting there to pounce once more at my toes, to snuggle beneath my arms and chin and purr as we drift to sleep.
So, how can you ask me why?
How can you expect me me to wait to die when so many good things wait on the other side. 
It may be selfish but, it is the human way.
So, when death calls I will answer it gladly. 
I will welcome him into my arms and say thank you for taking me home. 
Thank you for taking me to the people I love and who love me.
BUT, death has not called on me; 
I had shunned him when he did years ago and now death...
Ignores me.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019


I’m thankful for all you ever gave me.
The cuddles, the love, the comfort,
The kisses and loyalty over the years.
No one else can understand how beautiful our love was.
I knew when I would come to the door you would be there, 
I knew you would be there when it would be be time for bed to cuddle and put my face in your fur; 
Your purring in my ear, your scent in my nose;
Your entire presences was a gift that truly was a blessing,
I wish I could have appreciated it more,
I love you darling boy.
To my sweet baby boy

Tuesday, April 2, 2019


Preventative medicine does not exist,
You have dire instead and costly;
You go in sick and in need of medical assistance and they know you need help, they know they can help you but instead they bounce you, 
laugh at you and mock you,
Your sickness their entertainment and paycheck,
Your death a comedy for the ages.