Sunday, July 26, 2015

a little sharing project

Today, I am going to share with you a little of what I have just recently started to work on. I think as well as a couple friends that this could be something good. So, now I am giving it up to you guys to let you shred it to pieces and let me know what you think.

t's hard to change your life. You need some kind of huge life altering event, sometimes to put things into perspective. I guess you can say I was lucky enough to have that happen to me. See, I died. Yup, full on kicked the bucket, dead. My heart, my brain, all of it just stopped working and man did it hurt. I used to think that dying was a momentary pain that just went numb as you let go and walked into the light. Well I can tell you that is not true. First, it is a long drawn out process. In my case I was beaten to death by my fiance, on my wedding day! Yeah, I know what a jerk. I caught him fucking my cousin in the bridesmaid suite but, somehow it became my fault. HE had the nerve to yell at me. Saying "why are you here?!" While he grabs my hair "You're supposed to be in your suite getting ready to be my wife!" punches me in the face "you’re a fucking bitch" kick " get the fuck out there before I split your head open." BANG. It didn’t take him long to crack my rib, break my cheek bone, and open a gash on the top of my head. While I laid there on the floor slowly dying he continued his abuse. I could feel everything, like it was on fire. Nothing dulled down as I very slowly died, nothing grew bright, and no deceased family member came from the shadows to collect me. I heard the pounding rush of blood as it quickly escaped my body, I felt it slow down as my heart stopped beating. I saw my cousin look on at my lifeless body as the man who was supposed to love me kept kicking my middle. It took a while for my brain to shut down, and the darkness to take over my eyesight. Death is not a sweet, warm embrace. It is a cold, haunting black void that leaves you alone. Bereft of everything but your thoughts. Oh well, that was then and this is very much now. *** Sitting on top of the building, I have a clear view into his apartment. The boring honey brown wallpaper and clean layout gave the small room a big feeling to it. His new girlfriend draped across his lap like an afgahn across the back of the couch. They cuddle in silence as the ending of their rented movie finishes playing out before them, on their 65 inch flat screen t.v. I can feel my legs start to fall asleep as the numbing pins and needles bite away at my nerve endings. I shift slightly careful not the fall of the edge of the ledge. This has been my perch for the past three days. As I take notes on all the activities within. So, far he has had four girls in and out of that place. He is a very busy boy; fitting in two girls while his girlfriend was away to see her mother and another while she was away at work, for a lunch date. "Come on Derek. Just go to bed, already." It was 2 am and I just want to hurry up and get in. I have had enough of the stalking and observation portion of my revenge. I am ready to get to the good part. Thinking back to my wedding day or rather what should have been my honeymoon. The day I clawed myself out of the morgues freezer draw. I honestly could not, still cannot believe I was alive again, am alive again. Having fell off of the slab and onto the cold harsh floor, it took a good hour before I was able to stand again.

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