Saturday, July 4, 2015

love ache

Mine! You were mine! Waking up that morning, who was to know you'd slip between the confines put to keep you whole The pain was a warning but they said it was natural that you would be making room for yourself The blood told me though, that you had slipped your lead and was now coming through and as I pressed my legs together in futile hope that I could keep you still, You made your way into this world too soon. Your birth was a pain and they say all labor is but, this pain radiated from my heart as it sank. You were planned, loved, and fought over. We your parents had a fantasy of how much we would love you, share you, raise you and hold you But my womb could not hold you and for that I blame myself. I blame the empty space inside that was meant to be you home for 8 more months. I blame the empty space that was meant to nourish you and yet all it did was kill you. I blame myself cause I love you!

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