Friday, March 27, 2015

Medusa’s Lot

I am not evil, I am a person
I want to feel, to be seen.
Do not run from me!
I am just lonely.

Sorry, I cannot help it
I am but a fallen angel
waiting for this spell to end.
I will not stop you from attacking,
but please do not leave.

My eyes weep for what cannot be
but, now I can hold you close
my stone lover.


This Poem was inspired by Francesca Noto's Medusa's Lot. Noto is an amazing artist and I can't wait to see more of her work!

Medusa's lot by Francesca Noto

Medusa's lot by Francesca Noto 
found on 

Thursday, March 26, 2015


A rolling wave crashing into the sand
like a heart beating against its cage
like a man fighting for his love
waiting for the moment when it can be freed
the moon bides its time
hiding in the background while the sun shines
hoping one day people will love his light
more than the brilliance of the sun
like a man waiting for the day
the love of his life will see him
to notice he is more than the funny guy
more than the good listener
waiting for her to turn her head
and see the sparkle in her eyes
telling him its time
time to finally be loved
to grant him the permission to
finally hold her in his arms
and cuddle her while she sleeps
to be the one she see first in the morning
and the last she sees every night
he waits for the moment when like the moon
he has the opportunity to shine
when like the waters
he can breach the beach
and his heart can stop fluttering in its cage
but soar through the skies


Life Opportunities

found on Facebook

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Excerpt from Darkness

Walking into the house I can tell he is here. The smell of an ass, so foul and slimy that hell spit him out. A ‘man’ I had the ‘privilege’ of calling step dad or, in my favorite words, the demon from the netherworld. Although, saying that does insult demons and, well the underworld itself.
“Hey, beautiful.” He slurred in his drunken state. His hot breath assaulting my nostrils making me want to upchuck my lunch. His medium length greasy hair looking like he’d never washed it in all of his 35 years of existence. His eyes seem to match the same inky blackness of his hair.
“Hey, Ricky. What are you doing home?” I turn to leave expecting him to mumble a couple of curses then yell a couple of more before going back to his bottle of gin.
 “I’m not through with you! Where’s my diner?”

 “Did you make it?” I say laying the sarcasm on hard.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Found on facebook

ghosts of lives unlived

picture was gotten off of a google search

Ghosts of lives unlived

I wonder what my life would have been, could have been, and is this what it should have been?

Should I be on the edge of letting go? Yet as I try to fling myself off this cliff my feet claw into the ground beneath me unwilling to let go

The memories of mistakes and the roads not taken

The ghosts of parallel lives haunting me

  1. What if I had not left him, had not taken that stupid pill
  2. What if i had not moved
  3. What if she had survived
  4. What if I had stood in school
  5. What if my family and I had remained together in tough times instead of taking our hurt and casting the others aside
  6. What if I had stayed
  7. What if I had not linked my life to him
  8. What if I had not left that job

    Different versions of me circle around and I am not sure who is real


Found Treasure

I found this poem and thought it was pretty cool. 
"Why do I fell this way when I think of you, is it love? I hope not because all my illusions of love would be shattered. Se say that love always hurt, other say it's wonderful. I've always been one of those who has always believed love was beautiful, but if this is love what a wasted dream. I don't understand is it me? Is it him? Is it life? When our paths crossed I thought only for a brief moment will the road be short. But, as we walked I saw that it was going to be a long one and with every fork that came I always seem to stay in step with you even though at times it seem like the best path to take I had just left behind. Am I following you or are we walking together. Am I walking to fast or maybe running. Tell me where does this path lead, do you know?"
I won't post the poets name but let her see what you guys think.

Intro to Art

Art has been a big part of my life. Dancing, drawing, and writing have been a way to express my feeling with what has happened to me personally and how I see the world. I invite people to send me anything they might want me to display on this page and to leave comments on the pieces of artwork (poems, short stories, pictures, and even some Memes) I will be posting. I hope you guys enjoy!!