Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Excerpt from Darkness

Walking into the house I can tell he is here. The smell of an ass, so foul and slimy that hell spit him out. A ‘man’ I had the ‘privilege’ of calling step dad or, in my favorite words, the demon from the netherworld. Although, saying that does insult demons and, well the underworld itself.
“Hey, beautiful.” He slurred in his drunken state. His hot breath assaulting my nostrils making me want to upchuck my lunch. His medium length greasy hair looking like he’d never washed it in all of his 35 years of existence. His eyes seem to match the same inky blackness of his hair.
“Hey, Ricky. What are you doing home?” I turn to leave expecting him to mumble a couple of curses then yell a couple of more before going back to his bottle of gin.
 “I’m not through with you! Where’s my diner?”

 “Did you make it?” I say laying the sarcasm on hard.


  1. I would like to see another excerpt to this book Darkness. However, I feel that this scene could have been written better. I am not sure since I do not have the rest of the page. Maybe you can post that.

  2. Thank you for the critic and I will post more from darkness
