Thursday, April 30, 2015


He's sick in the mind and he's sick with his flow
Don't want the fast money but he's chasing the dough
Its like out with the new and back in with the old
The gangsta rap era just might've struck gold
And history's been made by the fathers before
Its written in stone now watch it unfold
Like make a new record while bodies turn cold
Suavv in the duwop his heart is like stone
Prone to make trouble, mentality street
Bound to the code in omerta believe
Hataz still watch him to see his defeat
And he's watching too its vendetta he seeks
Not taken by love and not given to greed
He just wants a crown and he's willing to bleed
And where many have followed he's chosen to lead
Too many people just tryta pass judgment
Studio gangstas that ain't with the function
He's not one to talk but he don't like assumptions
He's trusting in God but he gots to do something
Cause if he does nothing they'll see him as weak
But he don't really care what half of you think
Cause he gave half his life to the game in these streets
And he'll give up the rest just to be industry
Not selling his soul and not giving for free
Its all fo the one who's nailed to a tree
And he's really not one for religious beliefs
But he don't want to play with the powers that be
Suavv in the duwop despite enemies
Not taken by love and not given to greed....

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Melissa's yummy cupcakes

sheer joy of youth

Photograph taken by stormy Kremin
in photo A. Kremin
Stormy is available for shoots and you can see more of her stuff on her IG stormykreminphotography

What did you carry with you when you were born into the world?

I saw a light and wondered out for a journey into life:
I came into this world with nothing but a scream, a shower of gold, and a doctor saying its a girl.
My mother should have named me violet 
My screwed up face was purple
Red and Blue
I refused to make another sound
That Bastard HIT me HARD!

I wonder if she saw it?
The sparkle in my eyes...

I remember that first night
The jewels I saw and man in the moon
I wonder what life would of had in store for baby girl violet..with sparkles in her eyes...

Monday, April 27, 2015

Tara Dakini Chod Diptych

There is a transparency of darkness
You can see part of his skeleton 
Is darkness winning this fight
As their hearts are are facing away and apart
Maybe they announced themselves
Being the last monarchy
So no one would be forced to marry
Maybe it's the Kings fault
Blood on her lips suggest
Rather than saying 
She loves him
She will show him
By bleeding out her heart through mouth

I am hoping to get a picture of the painting this poet wrote about soon.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

JuJu Man

A man and woman born in darkness
Why because of the sins of the parents
Forever to be in the deep Abyss
Forever alone in this Mall 
Plugged myself up to this wall outlet
To see if I am worthy enough
To see if I do have a spark
The spark to leave this abyss
Or at least to lighten it up
So I could shine
And be this amazing person
Instead of this monster 
Everyone makes me out to be 
I am me for me.

American Glory

Why did I join?
To protect my family
To protect this country 
To become a better man
Are we the heroes ?
It are we the monsters?
I see neither
but, I stay 
For my sisters and brothers
You say American Glory
I say it is the greatest
To die for a country
For an idea we all believe in
Not because of resources
Or a group of politicians beliefs
Remember this country started
On we the people

This poem was written at art speak.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Art Speak and PoJazz

    Im excited (and slightly drunk) about today's workshop and Pojazz on the Hudson. There is so much to write and I will share as much as possible between here and . 
     Today's workshop was co-hosted by pretty awesome Jazz poets E.J. and Golda S.;both of whom are professors. E.J took over the workshop today and filled us in on a bit of her back ground story while managing to leave us with a question we will be asking our selves for years. "What kind of poet are you?" You guys can give me some of your answers but even after 10 years of (attempting) writing poetry I am still not sure.
    When we got down to the writing part we were given packets with promps and questions we should ask ourselves as we  walked around the Gallery and truly looked at the art around us. I was of course drawn to the more sparkly painting and used the promp to write a short poem that I will share later as well as some other poems from the evening.
   After we went around the table reading we quickly got ready for the open mic and The PojazzCollective. Of course I went up and quickly read through a poem I had posted on here a while ago. 
After me went a few of the other Art Speak participants and I was of course blown out of the water by their intense poems. However, none of that prepared me for the most entertaining of performances I witnessed with the PoJazz Collective. If you do anything please see them and you will not regret it!! They have some great poems, great music and a chemistry you can not buy that leads to these amusing parts were you just have to laugh. I leave you off with a promise for dates and times soon to follow!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Swan Princess

Her smile it taunts and teases, in it. Is the skies and seas
But, evil.. It hides beneath
Should I give her my soul to keep?

the image I see reminds me of another 
But, her demeanor; surely she's a double 
Where is my princess of the water?
Should I give her my soul to keep?

Her eyes hold stars and galaxies
She is my princess of the water,
She is dear to me
Should I give HER my soul to keep?

She bats her lashes
She seduces me
Is she my swan princess?
Should I give her my soul to keep?

I want to applaud this poet for trying to capture the essence of Swan Princess. Let her know what you think of her attempt to capture Swan Princess.

Veil of innocence

                   By: Stormy Kremin
                   Photo of A. Kremin
       Photos can be seen on Instagram
               @ stormykreminphotosnh 

Down the bottle

What happens when all love is lost?
When your significant other breaks it off?
When they call it quits?
Would you still give a shit?
Would you try? 
Or just have a breakdown and cry? 
How about becoming an alcoholic
To drown in your own sorrow 
Stay in the house 
And never see the sun rise tomorrow 
Would you try and date again?
Your friends would say it's never too late man
So why not
Oh yes I forgot 
You are a drunk misfit 
Always diving into a bottle
When you can't fix a relationship
Go ahead give up 
And taste it 
Yum yum the liquor Is delicious
Makes me delirious
Makes my mind vicious
When making decisions 
Just a fucking little bit 
Wait it just hit me that I'm past rock bottom 
My head bobbing 
My head nodding
My head throbbing
Trying to comprehend 
What she's telling me
It doesn't make sense 
She says we were never meant to be 
With my drunk ass 
I thought she said
Come vent to me
So I vented and vented
Until I couldn't breathe 
Her heart took a dent 
From what I said 
But she doesn't understand 
That mine was ripped to shreds
From what she did...

Let show this artist how much we appreciate his work and his sharing!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

My Happy Time

Take out the cup, the vodka that's 60 proof
Take out the weed alittle too much for me
Take out a pen and paper to write
Take out a knife this is my suicide.

Pour the liquor 7 shots to drink 
Roll the weed wait! This isn't me 
Write a letter, let it be sweet
Sharpen the knife I will not cry.

Chug the acid my throat to burn
Smoke it all the room it turns
Seal the letter my mother to find
Cut my wrists now, I can die.

let's give this poet a hand for a good poem! Give your opinion and let this poet know what you think!!!

Monday, April 20, 2015

U belong w/me

Taylor swift said 
"U belong with me"
Wat if it was 
never meant to b
But were like magnets
Opposites attracts 
Ur like a magazine
N I'm ur fanatic
Do u think thts 
Fantastic or just drastic
Tell me r we strong 
Or collapsing 
Ur my wrong 
To my right 
N with tht 
I'll take flight 
Wit u in my arms
Even tho we fight 
Just lay there 
N she's quiet 
Cuz she's not
Gonna loose 
The other half 
Of her life

Friday, April 17, 2015


Today in the mail I got the first 'kit' that was bought with some of the donation money. I want to thank everyone who donated and here is a picture of what came in.
This will be given to someone who has broken their loom and has wanted a new one. I hope we get some more donation so we can give out bigger 
And better kits to these kids!!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

I'm Okay

Okay, I am forever okay
Never good or great, just okay
And if I feel like mixing it up ill say
I'm fine, I'll be okay, or don't worry
But I'm never okay or fine
And I wish that there was someone to worry because sooner or later
Those deep dark secrets and those pains will crawl up my body and tear its way from my throat.
I can feel them rumble in their need to be released, I feel their hatred of me
Their need to be heard and felt and not just shoved down.
I feel them warm my belly till its as hot as steaming coals or the frosty bites that stop me in my tracks
But I push, push till they quiet down and I let myself believe that I have won, that I have gotten rid of them
That they will not resurface and boil over as the tears shed from my eyes
As the anger, hatred, sadness, and bleakness take over and the knife behind me starts to look nice, like a friend ready to give me reprieve and give them their revenge
When the pills begin to spill over cause my hand cannot hold that many and I choke on them with the burn of sweet oblivion thanks to Johnny walker, who ever he may be.
And I think about all the other releases that will quiet them down and put me to sleep, about the drugs that were so sweet to my sister that maybe if I just tried a little it would be sweet to me as well and maybe needle aren't so bad because they can deliver a warm presence of state and maybe if I snort just a little bit my mouth can relax and my brain will freeze and I won't have to wake.
That maybe, just maybe it will all pass and I won't have to say I'm okay, fine or hey I am a survivor because I won't have and I'll be in a place where surviving is not important and the feelings can't eat at me anymore.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Two hands and a beating heart

By: Stormy Kremin
Please feel free to contact her +Stormy Kremin 

flashing without a sound

By: Stormy Kremin
her work can be found on instagram stormykreminphotosnh.
She is available for bookings!!

Died with you

I guess I can’t blame you 
cause you never lied to me
you told me you would die
but you never told me it would be so soon
guess I can’t say anything
cause how were you to know you’d die so youngleaving your children so confused
leaving us to the mercy of our supposed family
and having us begging for compassion
and having to deny ourselves, becoming complacent
submissive, only able to utter okay
but it’s not, cause in my head I am yelling
but no one can hear me, and the words they dry on my tongue
sticking to the insides of my mouth, they taste bitter
but I must swallow, my stomach its hurting
my body its weary, cause all of this is just killing me
all of this is just beating me, till my spirit can’t stand me
my soul it has left me, and I’m trying to find it
and I have, its where I left it
buried six feet deep still with you, curled up beside you still wishing
that you would return and this nightmare is just that
but it will end soon
cause I’m buried alive with you, and my body is getting cold
but you can’t tell cause your body is frozen, decaying
and your soul is missing, it’s in heaven and I can’t reach you
I wish there was a phone, like one of those 1800 hotlines
and you’d be on the other side telling me it’s alright
that the nightmare is just my imagination
that my world is not crumbling cause you've picked up the pieces
that your body is still warm and I can cuddle up close
and never let you go, mommy I miss you!
and I wish I still had you, I wish this world wasn’t so cruel
I wish you were here to fight the demons, and tame the beasts
to make everything okay, but I know when I open my eyes
it won’t be, because you've died and taken my heart and soul
and what was left was eaten at by these scavengers in the family
taking away my liberty and sanity, please mommy don’t leave me
I am begging, don’t let this world swallow me wholecause I won’t stop it, you were the only thing that mattered and now you’re
please come back and complete me, I am your daughter, your flesh
and now I am on my knees, tell me what I need to resurrect you
because I need you, I rather be a child forever than to continue without you
I wish I could die too, but I know that would make you sad
so ill continue on this earth and hold me tongue
continue nodding my head with my eyes down cast
and the taste of bitter words yet to be uttered my new food
and ill make you proud by continuing my education, but remember
I would have rather died with you

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Beach life

The amazing photographer who graciously let me post this is Stormy Kremin
her work can be found on instagram stormykreminphotosnh.
She is also available for bookings!!


 Do you see these tears, falling from my eyes
Do you hear the girl, who is screaming inside
'cause I feel like she is being ignored, by everyone including her self.
She has torn her self in two, and only occassionaly comes through
her other side is dominant, the face she must put on
it feels easy though, she even deceives her-self
but when she can actually feel, it's truly empty inside
to the point were it hurts, its like everything is gone
all she treasured is lost, all she hated retreated
to leave her with nothing, not even hope
her only company is worry and stress, and even they sometimes go
and when she tries to summon up a memory or two
it seems that they have faded only leaving behind ghosts.

an old poem that could use some critiquing and love. please comment below and share!


Why should I care about living to be 100
When it's not even worth living to be unwanted
But everyday I'm stuck here
Living my life even though it sucks here
I wish I had the balls to do it
Put the chrome to the dome cock that shit back and pull it
Life sucks don't it
When you realize that youre the only one in it
And since nobody seems to care
You smoke your life away with no despair...


I'm really happy this writer posted this poem on my Facebook page! I hope you guys show him some love and feedback.

Lets have a conversation

Let's have a conversation
It can be shallow 
Like someone waddling 
On a sandy beach 
Talking about first names
Then ending with your favorite drink 
Or your favorite color 
Going from orange to green 
We could talk about your work
And everybody in the company 
Or we can go deeper
Waddling till our toes 
Can't touch the seaweed
Something along the lines
Where we could get lost at sea 
I want to get lost in you
No, not even sexually 
We can talk about relationships
But that ruins the private intimacy
Let me shush and think 
Shhh shhhh shhhh 
- J3

Please show J3 some love by liking and commenting below. I'm sure he will love your feedback!

Friday, April 3, 2015

So Far

So far I have had a lot of fun putting up (mainly) my writing pieces. I am happy that I was able to put up an amazing woman's poem that actually wrote it around 29 years ago. I am in the middle of a few projects that I think you guys will like and I cant wait to finish with my fabulous friends piece and see what you guys think.

I do want to take a second and see what you guys would like for the next few posts. Leave a comment at the bottom and I will take any suggestions. so lets say you want me to write a short horror story, the following day that is what ill put up for you to read, critic or say wow that's cool. Every comment that I receive that is not too perverse i will post an original piece to and yes that can include a song. I would ask though if it is please do not make fun of my horrible voice.!. Anyhoo lol I cant wait to hear from you guys!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

I’m Sorry

I'm sorry I haven't been around for the past few days. I have been doing some interesting things and I will be posting some poetry and excerpts later tonight but, before I do let me tell you guys all about this nice, new, fancy button I have to the right of the screen that says donate on it. Last week I posted about a sweet girl who gave me some bracelets she had been working on to give to you guys (my subscribers & readers). Over the weekend I was wondering what I could do for her and little girls like her. That's when I realized I could put up a donate button and let you guys pick if you want to give some money to these little girls for art kits (clay kits, rubber bands and rainbow loom product, etc.). Each child would get whichever kit/ materials they like and this can be a fun way to promote creative activity. Now, you may be saying how do we know the kids will be getting these materials; if the parents allow it I will post a picture of the children and whatever craft they receive and I am not only asking for you guys to donate cash. If you want donate materials please Contact me below and let me know what you would like to donate and I will give you an address. I hope there are some generous people out here that are willing to promote kids arts.