Friday, April 10, 2015

Died with you

I guess I can’t blame you 
cause you never lied to me
you told me you would die
but you never told me it would be so soon
guess I can’t say anything
cause how were you to know you’d die so youngleaving your children so confused
leaving us to the mercy of our supposed family
and having us begging for compassion
and having to deny ourselves, becoming complacent
submissive, only able to utter okay
but it’s not, cause in my head I am yelling
but no one can hear me, and the words they dry on my tongue
sticking to the insides of my mouth, they taste bitter
but I must swallow, my stomach its hurting
my body its weary, cause all of this is just killing me
all of this is just beating me, till my spirit can’t stand me
my soul it has left me, and I’m trying to find it
and I have, its where I left it
buried six feet deep still with you, curled up beside you still wishing
that you would return and this nightmare is just that
but it will end soon
cause I’m buried alive with you, and my body is getting cold
but you can’t tell cause your body is frozen, decaying
and your soul is missing, it’s in heaven and I can’t reach you
I wish there was a phone, like one of those 1800 hotlines
and you’d be on the other side telling me it’s alright
that the nightmare is just my imagination
that my world is not crumbling cause you've picked up the pieces
that your body is still warm and I can cuddle up close
and never let you go, mommy I miss you!
and I wish I still had you, I wish this world wasn’t so cruel
I wish you were here to fight the demons, and tame the beasts
to make everything okay, but I know when I open my eyes
it won’t be, because you've died and taken my heart and soul
and what was left was eaten at by these scavengers in the family
taking away my liberty and sanity, please mommy don’t leave me
I am begging, don’t let this world swallow me wholecause I won’t stop it, you were the only thing that mattered and now you’re
please come back and complete me, I am your daughter, your flesh
and now I am on my knees, tell me what I need to resurrect you
because I need you, I rather be a child forever than to continue without you
I wish I could die too, but I know that would make you sad
so ill continue on this earth and hold me tongue
continue nodding my head with my eyes down cast
and the taste of bitter words yet to be uttered my new food
and ill make you proud by continuing my education, but remember
I would have rather died with you

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