Thursday, April 30, 2015


He's sick in the mind and he's sick with his flow
Don't want the fast money but he's chasing the dough
Its like out with the new and back in with the old
The gangsta rap era just might've struck gold
And history's been made by the fathers before
Its written in stone now watch it unfold
Like make a new record while bodies turn cold
Suavv in the duwop his heart is like stone
Prone to make trouble, mentality street
Bound to the code in omerta believe
Hataz still watch him to see his defeat
And he's watching too its vendetta he seeks
Not taken by love and not given to greed
He just wants a crown and he's willing to bleed
And where many have followed he's chosen to lead
Too many people just tryta pass judgment
Studio gangstas that ain't with the function
He's not one to talk but he don't like assumptions
He's trusting in God but he gots to do something
Cause if he does nothing they'll see him as weak
But he don't really care what half of you think
Cause he gave half his life to the game in these streets
And he'll give up the rest just to be industry
Not selling his soul and not giving for free
Its all fo the one who's nailed to a tree
And he's really not one for religious beliefs
But he don't want to play with the powers that be
Suavv in the duwop despite enemies
Not taken by love and not given to greed....

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