Wednesday, April 1, 2015

I’m Sorry

I'm sorry I haven't been around for the past few days. I have been doing some interesting things and I will be posting some poetry and excerpts later tonight but, before I do let me tell you guys all about this nice, new, fancy button I have to the right of the screen that says donate on it. Last week I posted about a sweet girl who gave me some bracelets she had been working on to give to you guys (my subscribers & readers). Over the weekend I was wondering what I could do for her and little girls like her. That's when I realized I could put up a donate button and let you guys pick if you want to give some money to these little girls for art kits (clay kits, rubber bands and rainbow loom product, etc.). Each child would get whichever kit/ materials they like and this can be a fun way to promote creative activity. Now, you may be saying how do we know the kids will be getting these materials; if the parents allow it I will post a picture of the children and whatever craft they receive and I am not only asking for you guys to donate cash. If you want donate materials please Contact me below and let me know what you would like to donate and I will give you an address. I hope there are some generous people out here that are willing to promote kids arts.

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