Friday, April 3, 2015

So Far

So far I have had a lot of fun putting up (mainly) my writing pieces. I am happy that I was able to put up an amazing woman's poem that actually wrote it around 29 years ago. I am in the middle of a few projects that I think you guys will like and I cant wait to finish with my fabulous friends piece and see what you guys think.

I do want to take a second and see what you guys would like for the next few posts. Leave a comment at the bottom and I will take any suggestions. so lets say you want me to write a short horror story, the following day that is what ill put up for you to read, critic or say wow that's cool. Every comment that I receive that is not too perverse i will post an original piece to and yes that can include a song. I would ask though if it is please do not make fun of my horrible voice.!. Anyhoo lol I cant wait to hear from you guys!!!!!!


  1. I didn't know you were into the, as you put it, Arts. Who would've known.

  2. yea, I've been into the arts since i first saw my brother draw and wanted to copy him. i got into poetry when i was in 6th grade and fell in love with Emily Dickinson.
