Friday, May 22, 2015


Hearing the betrayal with my own ears
Something inside broke leaving me in tears
Breaking down so fast I didn't see it coming
But I felt it tear through me, a bullet through my heart
Digressing into basics, not understanding
How a person that was sweet could leave me here standing
All alone not knowing what is up and down
Sitting on my knees I find myself falling
In a dark abyss I hear myself calling
But no one answers just the cold wind coming
Encircling me like a tornado, I find myself torn in pieces
The woman I became lost within herself
Repeating over and over “I’m not a bad girl
Crawling into the fetal position I clutch myself
Trying to keep the pieces from falling to the floor
Crying till I hit somber I reach up to find a door
Opening it not beneficial for it leads somewhere else
Into the quiet of judgment where I can lay down
Dying slowly inside as each word bounces of these walls
Each one stabbing me deep as I bleed out on this mirror
A reflection of every sin I have ever committed
The mistakes of the past showing in repetition
Until I hear myself “I’m not a bad girl. I did nothing wrong” do I

Finally give up.

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