Monday, May 25, 2015

something we got

There's something we got, and I'm not sure what its called 
But oh yea, there is something we got
And it is strong, so strong that melt for you, that there is no such thing as no
And I know, that I should be saying no but when I look at your eyes
And I feel your breath on me, its like you ignite an undying fire in me
My nerves are ablaze with the crude word you whisper to me
And your hands wonder my body, as if it is a canvas that must be examined
So you can pick the right paint and the perfect picture that will adorn me
But I don’t believe you adore me, in fact I don’t believe you love me
And I don’t believe you think this was meant to be
I think you think I am easy, and familiar and
And that all we will ever be, I think you know the words to get me going
And I know, you use this tactic on me and I am stupid enough to let them work on me
But boy don’t think that you are getting over, because I am well aware of whats going on
Oh, don’t worry, I'm not in the mood to stop it. And I am not in the place to quit just yet
And I know I love you, in fact I don’t just  love and adore you, but I have given up everything to be with you
And I saw this future for us, granted i'm just the whore that slinks by uninvited by your momma but you bring me in to stain your sheets
and I know that when its over, you will walk me to the door with some bologna to spill and then deny seeing me but, that’s alright.
I know that in time it will change and I will be the whore you live with and there will be another girl that slinks on by to your mama’s house for you to deny
oh, trust me I know that when that girl comes I will end up in the wind and she will suddenly become your “one and only” 

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