Monday, May 18, 2015


What was young, now old

Familiar faces, now become strangers

Places that painted a picture, now represent a jigsaw puzzle

The pieces no longer fitting, an image that's blurred

New memories take place of the old

Dig....... dig......... dig........ Dig

Digging is all you can do as you try to remember something once so clear

In the process losing yourself to the past, no sense of reality

Swimming in an endless pool of memories

But you have to come back, back to the reality

The reality of your life

As you move through the days, motion by motion

Seeing and exploring while taking photos and making new movies

Losing yourself to the new experiences, whole chasing old ones


In a world that requires remodeling and shedding of one self

Will you stay true?

Next to me, side by side?

Holding a camera capturing the characters while writing the lines to the story?

Reminding me of things that once mattered, memories that made me smile?

Pull me back to reality, bring me back to the path as I go astray?

Will you stay as others leave?

Will you be my constant in a world of rapid change?


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