Friday, May 22, 2015

Miles of Emotion

Miles of emotions
Feelings out of control
My heart continues to wander
While I put my life on hold
The stories I have heard
The messages I receive
It’s hard to tell what’s true
Which ones should I believe?
Whenever I am with you
I don’t know what is real
I cannot comprehend
These feelings that I feel
Am I in love?
I’m getting really confused
Does seeing you make me happy
Or am I just amused
When you’re in my dreams
Is it a message to my heart?
I really don’t understand
This is tearing me apart
A story from my friends
Another from my mind
Now I’m even more confused
The truth I cannot find
I cannot tell what happening
I’m sure it’s for the best
I’m going to let go of this

And let my feelings rest

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