Sunday, May 3, 2015

Excerpt from DARKNESS pt 2

Yea, I know but I don’t care he makes me feel good and he loves me I know he does and I love him. He makes me feel safe.
Then go but don’t come back with him.” Turning Mathew dropped a present onto the floor and said “That’s why we asked you here.” Picking it up I looked inside and saw a ring, a band that was engraved with the words Ortiz family. I had seen the boys wear a ring, a big fat ring that said it on the out side with the Puerto Rican flag but, I never thought they would give one to me. Turning I went back to the table and quietly asked Sebastian to leave. Walking back over to the counter I said
This doesn't mean I’m not going to be with him it just means blood is blood.

Sitting back down the three of us enjoy our meal and talk about school and work. At all coast avoiding what happened earlier and all talk of Sebastian not out of shame but, for the sake of our family. 

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