Saturday, May 16, 2015

Doll House


Put on a cute dress, set up in the living room playing, all pinked out with pigtails. 

Passive and quite, neat and orderly the manner in which play time is conducted. 

Boys have cooties, avoid them, guy as a friend then you are both sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G. 


Puberty hits, awkward and lanky, new changes both inside and out. 

Boys no longer have cooties, but approaches are hesitant and calculated. 

Hormones play their roles and the results are awkward encounters and stories. 


Parents are avoided like the plague, a disease in which interaction of any kind is not warranted.

The guessing game begins" he likes you" "she was staring at you"

The little cliques are formed “hot and not hot", self esteems being crushed with labels and images.


Slut, hoe, tease, play thing, friend with benefits, hook up

The roles set up by our environment and the expectations that come with them.


Yet the dichotomy of those roles: some part vixen yet pure all at the same time.

Should be both, but dabble in either and people will jump to one extreme or the other.


What happened to the doll in the kitchen, the mommy with the kids and the husband?

Did she grow up?

No she was left behind, behind in the world of fantasy and pretend.


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