Thursday, May 21, 2015

deaths warm embrace


Locked up with nowhere to go

small and crowded, I see strangers all around me.

Neither of us knowing these few minutes are to be over soon.


They shuffle in and out, shouting in a foreign language, these strange tall creatures

My companions start to panic, and they all start to wail.

Suddenly, I am grabbed and taken out.


I struggle in the creature’s grip, shouting, hoping for someone to help.

Instead, I see my reflection laced with sadness in my companion’s faces.

There’s poking and prodding of various parts of my body as they inspect me

My vision becomes distorted as I’m turned sideways and upside down.

Two creatures look at me conversing, while one nods his head.


Then I am shackled against warmth, encompassing my entire being,

reminding me of my mother and her soft and warm embrace.


The cloud of nostalgia breezes over, as I smell blood.

I turn my head and see it everywhere.

Looking up, I see the stranger and not my mother.

It stops and I am laid on a table, and the creature holds me down.


My neck, the only moving part of my body struggles furiously

The struggle though is futile.

 In one quick movement it is over.

“Here’s your chicken, Ma’am”  



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