Sunday, May 17, 2015


You say you’re better

You can see, hear, and speak

You can do all three straight from the beginning

That’s great, good for you

Me, well I had to work at them

I couldn’t see so well at first

Let people step all over me, let people take advantage of me

But I could hear

Hear exceptionally well

Heard your lies and whispers 

Heard you turn your back to me, heard you walk away

So I told myself that I would open my eyes

My eyes were wide open, sharp and analytical

Saw right through you, saw your fake emotions

Knew your next move, before you did

My eyes read you like a book

You say I couldn’t talk

Maybe that’s true, or maybe you just assume

Despite not talking, I could see and hear

With those two alone, my actions spoke louder than words

My gratitude or distaste, they could been seen and sensed without any spoken words

So does that mean I never talked?

Hell no!

Opened my mouth and instead of trash, wisdom came out

No hate, no crap, no stupidity

So you say you can see, hear, and speak

Good for you

But let me ask you something

Can you really see?

Can you see the joy on people’s lips or the hurt in ones face?

Can you hear the lie of a friend who say’s they’re ok, when in reality they’re far from it?

Can you hear the message of a conversation, instead of the faults?

And when you speak, is it really you speaking?

Or the person whom people except you to be?

So you say you’re better because you mastered these skills from the beginning

But doesn’t what we see, hear, and speak change over time?

You say you’re better than me


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