Monday, May 25, 2015

feel it

I feel it in the air
Your hands, your touch, the caress that makes me feel at home
I feel it in the air the way you undress me
Leaving me naked in the middle of the street
And I feel it in the air
The way you love and hate me as if I am the reason this came to be
And I remember what we used to be
The memories taunting, circling me and pluck at each one
Reminiscing on the times we were inseparable
The times you said I was everything,
The times you said I love you and there was no hate in your eyes
No sound of sarcasm dripping from your tongue, and everything was sweet
As a lollipop and a love song,
I feel it in the air, the way you discard me like trash
But then you pull back on me, and I wonder where the line was drawn
What makes you love me then hate me so, to leave me broken and out in the snow
And I have been here for 40 days, and the frost has crept up through my nose and its going down through my veins making cold
And the air speaks to me, it sends me your love messages, it says come, wait a little longer and I will heat you up, you will be safe in my arms and I will rock you to sleep
But then you send the air to hiss at me, like I am some alley cat encroaching on your territory
and I wonder when this all came to be
but I can still feel your love wrap around me, and I can still feel your lips on mine
and I forgive you for sending me into the cold, and I wrap myself in the heat of the intimacy we once shared and I let those memories remind me of what we used to be.

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